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Your are member for three months. ClaudiaAzf (Jan 18th 2025, 12:07am) |
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Your are member for three months.
This achievement was earned by ClaudiaAzf (Jan 18th 2025, 12:07am) and 701 others.
Your are member for two years.
This achievement was earned by Edythe07R (Jan 18th 2025, 12:07am) and 662 others.
Your are member for two years.
This achievement was earned by ElouiseCle (Jan 14th 2025, 12:00am) and 662 others.
Your are member for ten years.
This achievement was earned by nitt (Jan 14th 2025, 12:00am) and 501 others.
Your are member for ten years.
This achievement was earned by Andrea0006 (Jan 14th 2025, 12:00am) and 501 others.
4 | Disco_Stu | 5,225 |
5 | Killertamagotchi | 2,235 |
6 | Even | 2,230 |
7 | mew | 2,100 |
8 | Bammel | 1,820 |
9 | MarcoEagleEye | 1,815 |
10 | Keiko | 1,750 |
11 | MrX | 1,740 |
12 | James | 1,630 |
13 | FR3AK1982 | 1,600 |
Total of 6123 achievementse earned - 705 users - 450395 points
Plugin: Achievementsystem 1.1.3, developed by DevLabor UG (haftungsbeschränkt)